Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A few audition notes

Hello all,

I hope you're all practicing and getting excited for auditions! We just have a few extra notes for you:
  • On the audio tracks, the actors are from the UK, so they all have British accents. Please don't worry about using an accent! When you practice the songs and dialogue, use your own voice!
  • The original audition packets distributed on Thursday, 10/21 did not have sheet music included. If you need sheet music to practice with a vocal teacher or piano, please pick up a new packet, available at the Peter Pan information board.
Thank you! Keep up the good work!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cast of Characters

The following is a list of the characters in Piers Chater Robinson's version of Peter Pan (the official website can be found at

Mr. Darling
Mrs. Darling
Wendy Darling
John Darling
Michael Darling
Nana, the dog
Liza, the Darlings' maid
Peter Pan
Tinkerbell, featured dancer
The Shadow, featured dancer
Captain Hook
Mr. Starkey
Indian Chief
Tiger Lily
The Crocodile, featured dancer

Lost Boys
Marmaduke & Binky, the twins
All Thumbs

Bill Jukes
Calico Jack
Mary Reid
Gunpowder Gertie

Indians/featured dancers
Running Dog
Grizzly Bear
Singing Bull
Flying Eagle

Lost Boys

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Homecoming 2010

Thank you so much to all who helped out with GVMS Musical Theater's first Patriot's Day bake sale! We were able to successfully generate excitement about the upcoming musical while having a good time impersonating pirates and eating delicious home-made baked goodies.

The winner of our raffle for 2 tickets to see one of the performances is Sarah Griffin. Congratulations, Sarah! We'll be in touch to solidify the date/time of the performance you'd like to see.

Thanks again for all your help & enthusiasm!

Looking for audition material? Dialogue can be found here, and the download link for the audition packet and the tracks for the four audition songs can be found here. Happy practicing!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Audition Material, Part 2

Dialogue for Auditions

Below are pieces of dialogue from the script. You may be asked to read some of the following dialogue. To prepare for this part of your audition, you should practice the dialogue using expression and energy! Yes, you may use the script, but do not depend on it! Make sure that you are prepared to do your personal best!

Be prepared to read from any/all of the following selections:


Peter is talking to Tinkerbell. Instead of speaking, she jingles, speaking in fairy-language. Tinkerbell begins jingling, chattering excitedly to Peter...

Peter: Tink? Where are you? Oh, there you are ... what? ... Now, steady. Calm down! I don’t understand what you are saying... pirates?! Where?! But I thought the Indians.... what?! Hook has captured Wendy?! ... and the boys? I must rescue them!! Wait... my  medicine! Wendy would never forgive me. (Tink jingles) Why not? (Tink jingles) Poisoned? Who could have poisoned it? (Tink jingles) Don’t be silly. How could Hook have got down here? I think you are inventing all this because you didn’t like Wendy leaving me my medicine. I do believe you’re jealous!


Tootles: It’s alright, they’re gone.
Curly: Phew! That was a near thing! I do wish Peter would come back...
Slightly: I am the only one who is not afraid of pirates -- but you’re right, I’d like to see Peter again and he can tell us whether he has heard anything more about the lady with the glass slipper.
Twins: Yes, so would I.
Tootles: My mother used to tell stories like that.
Curly: All I remember about my mother is that she often said to father, “oh how I wish I had a check book of my own!” I don’t know what a check book is, but I should love to get one for my mother.

Nibs runs in from the forest and is out of breath

Nibs: Have you seen it? Have you seen it? It’s a wonder. A wonder!
Slightly: Seen what, Nibs?
Nibs: The great white bird -- it’s flying this way!
Tootles: What kind of bird?
Nibs: I don’t know, but it looks so weary and as it flies it moans, “Poor Wendy.”
Twins: Poor Wendy!
Slightly: I remember, there ARE birds called Wendies.
Curly: (pointing to the sky) See, it comes! How white it is!


Wendy: Boy, why are you crying?
Peter: What’s your name?
Wendy: Wendy Moira Angela Darling.
Peter: Mine’s Peter Pan.
Wendy: Is that all?
Peter: Yes.
Wendy: I’m so sorry.
Peter: It doesn’t matter.
Wendy: Where do you live?
Peter: Second star to the right and straight on till morning!
Wendy: What a funny address!
Peter: No it isn’t!
Wendy: I mean, is that what they put on your letters?
Peter: Don’t get any letters.
Wendy: But your mother gets letters?
Peter: Don’t have a mother.
Wendy: Oh, Peter, no wonder you were crying!


Hook: Well, what are you standing around here for? Go to it, you swabs! And most of all, Smee, I want their captain, Peter Pan. ‘Twas he cut off my arm. I’ve waited long to shake his hand with this! Oh, I’ll tear him...
Smee: And yet I have soften heard you say that one hook was worth a score of hands for combing the hair and other homely uses.
Hook: (Ignoring Smee) Peter flung my arm to a crocodile that happened to be passing by. Do you know that?
Smee: I have often noticed your strange dread of crocodiles...
Hook: Not of crocodiles -- but of that one crocodile. It liked my arm so much, Smee, that it has followed me ever since from sea to sea and from land to land, licking its lips for the rest of me.
Smee: In a way, that’s sort of a compliment!
Hook: I want no such compliments! I want PETER PAN who first gave the brute its taste for me!


Have fun practicing!
See you at auditions!

Audition Material

I apologize it took me a few hours to post this, but here is the audition material for the upcoming Peter Pan, The Musical auditions! Everything below is included in the audition packet, which students can either get a copy of at school, or it can be downloaded from the link below (I used the file-hosting site to host the word document & all of the audio files needed for the auditions).

Audition dates:
  • 8th & 7th grade: Monday, November 15, 2010 @ 2:30 - 5:30
  • 6th grade: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 2:30 - 4:30
Audition songs:
  • For girls, be prepared to sing from the following songs
    • Peter
    • Come Away
    • We're Going Home
  • For boys, be prepared to sing from the following songs
    • Rich, Damp Cake
    • Come Away
    • We're Going Home


Come Away

Since I only found these two songs on youtube, all of the audio files (Peter, Come Away, Rich Damp Cake, We're Going Home) can be downloaded from our account (the link below), along with the complete audition packet!

Click here to download:
Audition Packet & Song Audio Files

Please let me know in a comment if you're having trouble accessing the files. I think the site should work, but if not, just notify me & I'll try to fix it right away!

Hope to see you soon,
Ms. Neville

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Have you ever participated in one of Great Valley Middle School's spring musicals? What did you think? What was your favorite part of working with your peers to produce a theatrical production? What did you want more of? Less of? What is your favorite show?

Here's a taste of last year's production: Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!

Photos by Keryn Lane ©

Hope we'll see you at auditions for this year's show :)

How to navigate the GVMS Musical Theater blog

Hello all! Are you ready to hop on board 
& start another incredible production? 
We can't wait to start working with all of you!!

For those of you who are not familiar with blogs or how blogs work, here is a little tutorial on how to navigate our blog -- your go-to source of information for this year's musical.

What is a blog? According to the dictionary...

What will be on the blog? Any and all announcements will be posted here on the blog. This will include the posting of the cast list, weekly newsletters, important information for parent volunteers, rehearsal schedule & reminders, costume/prop/set/make-up updates, etc.

How can I find something specific? If you're looking for information on a specific topic (for example: costumes or parent volunteers), just check out the information box on the right entitled, "Entry Labels." Each blog entry will be labeled based on its content. This entry, for example, is tagged with the labels "how-to," "navigation," and "introduction." If anyone is looking for blog entries that include how-to information, they will simply check out the "Entry Labels" box to the right and click on the link for "how-to." This will bring the reader to all of the entries tagged with the label "how-to." These labels are organized alphabetically, and the larger a label appears, the more frequently it has been used to label blog entries.

Why did we choose a blog? Instead of using a general website, Ms. Hrap and I decided to work with something more interactive. Since neither of us works at GVMS, and we still wanted to be easily accessible to students and parents, we figured an interactive website and easy-to-remember email ( would be the best way to keep the lines of communication open.

How do I leave a comment or question for Ms. Hrap & Ms. Neville? It's easy! At the bottom of each blog entry, there is a link that says "0 comments" (or "1 comment" or "394 comments," whatever the number may be). If you click on that link, you are able to leave us a question or comment about the entry's content, which we can either address on an individual basis or in a separate blog entry. Please keep in mind that all comments are public, and if anyone abuses the comment section, we reserve the right to delete inappropriate comments or disable comments entirely.

What is the content in the side bar on the right hand of the screen? The side bar is a place for a lot of things:
- to subscribe to the blog via email
- for important short announcements (esp. schedule changes)
- a link to the calendar
- a box for entry labels -- you can search for specific content by clicking on an entry label

How do I subscribe via email? What does that do? If you look at the right-hand navigation, you will see a box labeled "Subscribe via email!" Type your email address into the box below, click the "subscribe" button, fill out the information and you will receive an email confirming that you requested to subscribe. Click the link in the email and you're all set. Every time we post an entry, you will receive an email 5-10 minutes after it is posted!

Any more questions? Leave them in a comment on this entry! Happy navigating!
Ms. Neville

It's almost that time again...

I hope everyone has seen the musical marquee in the main hallway at school! Post-it guesses have been accepted and we've already selected two winners ... think you know what our show is this year?
What would Joe think?? 

You'll find out tomorrow!!

Talk to you soon,
Ms. Hrap & Ms. Neville

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Welcome to the blog for Great Valley Middle School's Musical Theater Program.

This blog will provide important information and announcements from director, Ms. Laura Hrapczynski, assistant director, Miss Sara Neville, and our producers/parent volunteers, Mrs. Carrie Kennedy, Mrs. Joanie Badyna, and Mrs. Lisa Parker.

Please add our site to your bookmarks and check back if you have any questions about this year's production.
